Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kevin's Fourteenth New Friend: A Knight to Remember

Lindsay Davidson ties with Danielle Burr for the nicest person I know.  But, she graduated from St. Mary's and Danielle is a gator so, if I had to choose just one person, I think you know what would make the final say...

Admittedly, Lindsay and I did not meet in 2012.  We went to high school together.  She graduated in 2005 and maybe I had seen her twice since then...that is, until the annual McShane party January 2012.  Lindsay and I decided to become running partners.  AND, we are still running partners! That's right, I have a running partner and we actually run.  NBD.  Every Tuesday and Thursday morning we wake up and run at 7:00am and on the weekend we go hiking.  This week I realized that she has been my biggest friendship of 2012 and is not on my blog so she ran back to the house with me for a picture (well, honestly, I'm done running way before I get to Claremont Street).  

Lindsay introduced me to the Luck of the Irish run out at Westgate.  Now I have done the TurkeyTrot (for thanksgiving) and the Luck of the Irish run (for SPD).  My new favorite thing is organized runs the morning of a holiday.  Being that she is my 14th friend, I would say we have definitely been running together for 10 weeks and always have long conversations every time we are together.  With that said, I could go on forever about her greatness and everything that she does, but I won't.  Trust me though, she is great.

Lindsay is a local of Phoenix and her parents live in my dream neighborhood.  I can't remember whether she was born in St. Joe's or Good Samaritan, but I do know she was born.  She went to St. Thomas and spent summers at her grandparent's lake house.  Now, she lives with a married couple and I don't think her grandparents own the lake house anymore.  She is, like me, a substitute for the diocese of Phoenix and, unlike me, works at Runner's Den on Sundays.  She also babysits and is a caretaker for a woman in Arcadia.  (I'll have to ask her about the woman, she may not work there anymore...funny thing though, the lady's house is down the street from my sister's house).  And she makes cards.  Her cards are mostly (maybe all of them) blank and have a photograph of a flower.  Many of the photos are flowers that she saw while living in Seattle but there are also desert flowers.  Her next step is either grad school or teach.  I'm hoping she teaches so she can stay in Phoenix (but that's me being selfish because I just want to keep my amazing running buddy).

Lindsay is another victim of my love of showing people new places to eat.  So far we have just done The Duce but I know there will be more.  

Lindsay is awesome and if you want to hike with us, let us know because we want to do some overnight hikes and don't have any hiking friends...

1 comment:

  1. Weird story: this random high school kid came to my house like 6 months ago and forced me through his annoyingness to buy a magazine subscription. So I paid like $65 (!) for a 2-year subscription to Women's Fitness, but it never arrived. Instead, I suspect that I am about 3 months into my 2-year subscription to Backpacker Magazine. Well, it turns out they actually have some ok articles in that little rag, and, long story short, I am interested in doing an overnight hike, too. Keep me posted.
