Saturday, January 7, 2012

Claire's First New Friend: She is so cool, she poops her pants!

Meet Sabrina Michelle Albiston. She is 4 months old and 14lbs of absolute chubby adorableness. She is the reason I moved to Vegas, and rightfully so, she has earned the title of this week's BFF. While we met back in September, we have really solidified our friendship this past week. She has spent hours being toted in the "front pack" while I clean, shop, eat, do my hair and check my email (seriously, she loves the front pack). We have already logged about 10+ miles in her stroller, cruising the streets of Las Vegas/Henderson and have discovered that the walking demographic around here is basically the two of us and 6 junior high boys. She has helped me discover my talent for remixing pop songs into baby appropriate. She will probably be right on my hip as I meet every new friend this year. Bottles up! Bottles up!
The front pack makes her extra drooly. 

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