Monday, January 30, 2012

Claire's Fourth New Friend(s): Finding Brotherhood (well, really sisterhood) in the City of Brotherly Love

This weekend my super amazing brother graduated from Temple University. Yay Kevin! The whole fam was able to trek across the country to Philadelphia to witness this milestone and checkout where he has been the last 4.5 years of our lives. I have met a number of his friends over the past 4 years, but for some reason I kept missing these two ladies. Meet Megan Margeson and Nikki Goldstein. These two girls found out about the blog and were fighting to be my next friend! So naturally I had to choose them both. Kevin met these two ladies back in 2007 in his freshman dorm. Megan hails from Lancaster, PA. Her family became Kevin's "Easter Family." As one of his Catholic friends, she made sure that he always had a place to celebrate Easter. I've heard much about her, so I am excited to finally put a face to the name. Nikki hails from Jackson, NJ. Kevin and her started out with the same major and many of the same classes. A solid 50% of the stories that Kevin tells include Nikki. I said it to them a million times when we met, and I will say it again, Come out to the Southwest to visit!!!
Nikki, me, Megan. 

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