Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kevin's Fourth New Friend: Men sometimes wear gowns

So, I admit, this week's friend was very intentional.  I needed to take a picture in my graduation gown with someone who was sharing this honor.  I am sorry Quincy, the editor that I met at the bar on Wednesday, but your awesome name can't sway me.  Please meet Samantha Hakes.  We are both Temple University Graduates! Go Owls!!  Before the ceremony this past Friday, I was in a basement on campus surrounded by fellow Ed majors.  Samantha spent her student teaching experience in a 6th grade classroom full of stinky kids (thank goodness 1st graders are pre-puberty!) Unlike me, she already has a job lined up and will soon be working as a TSS for a male adolescent who claims to hate women.  Wonder how that will turn out...  Congratulations, Samantha on a job well done! I look forward to hearing about your classroom experiences.

Samantha Hakes, Cum Laude

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