Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Claire's Ninth New Friend: Entrepreneurial Spirit

Ever since I was in grade school, I wanted to own my own business. Nothing sounded better than making your own hours and being so damn passionate about your job, that you don't even care that you no longer sleep, workout, or have friends and have replaced all of your meals with coffee and microwave popcorn because you are too busy working. I was especially gun ho about the dream of becoming a business owner in college after taking an entrepreneurial leadership class. The semester long assignment was to develop a business plan with your team. My team of 7 awesome ladies developed a plan for a little business we like to call ucasa.com (University realty website). Our professor loved the plan and really encouraged us to enter the annual business plan competition. So we did. We lost and didn't win the start-up funds. My dreams were a little bit crushed. And do you know who beat us!? My new friend! No hard feelings though Sarah. I promise.

Meet Sarah Wollnick. She went to Gonzaga with me and was another one of those people I knew of, but never really knew or talked to. I met her this weekend because it was the West Coast Conference tournament in Las Vegas, coupled with Young Alumni Weekend. (Three things: 1. The Zags lost to the stupid Gaels. 2. The Gaels got a new mascot. It is a cavemen or something and really disturbing looking. 3. We were the oldest people at Young Alumni Weekend. I guess 25 is no longer young?) Turns out, I was missing out because we have a lot in common besides our mutual friends!
1. We both love business ownership! Okay, I dream about this one and she actually does it. Upon winning the business plan competition, Sarah and her husband, Josh, started their business, GreenCupboards. In fact, they were just featured in the Startup Spotlight on Geek Wire!
2. We were practically wearing the same outfit to the championship game! Right down to our gray Toms...But then again, I guess those basketball fan outfits are pretty standard.
3. We both love alcoholic milkshakes!
4. We both secretly really wanted to sing karaoke at the club. Don't deny it Sarah! Not much sounds better than the sound of Spice Girls music coming out of my mouth!

So glad I got to get to know the lovely Sarah Wollnick this weekend! Looking forward to many a more reunions, either in Vegas or Spokane!

At tha cluuuub with my new friend! Wishing they would stop playing 50 cent and  pop in a Spice Girls cassette. 

1 comment:

  1. Claire Finley you are straight up hilarious. I like your style.

    Another two things we have in common:

    1.) Dirty Shirley's
    2.) An enjoyment of Englsh accents ;)

    Hang on, about the business plan competition.... I did not know that! What happened with ucasa? You should start it!

    Speaking of casas you are always welcome at mine should you find yourself in Spokane. :)
