Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kevin's Tenth New Friend: SSJ is thicker than blood

We all have birthdays.  This one insisted on making me 23; but, I was not alone.  My friend Britany Statt shares this glorious day with me so I went out with her to celebrate.  And, as always, I met someone that she went to grade school with - Amy Thompson (that's right, as in 1829 Thompson street.  I love you, Philadelphia).  Amy wasn't the only SSJer that we ran into that night but she is my new friend.  Amy, regrettably, found her way to Xavier for high schools.  It's ok though, we all make little mistakes.  She is now at ASU and studying non-profit.  She loves Tempe and ASU and, I'm assuming, Canteen.  I hope to run into her on Mill many more times.

Don't be jealous of our backlighting

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