Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kevin's Twelfth New Friend: Sometimes bars don't have windows

Bailey: "Let's go to a dive bar tonight!"
Me: "Yes, please! I always love me a good dive bar."
Bailey: "My friend wants to come out with us but she doesn't have a car.  The Dunes is right next to her house, let's go there."

Enter "The Dunes"

Holy Moley! This bar is on Dunlap ave and 30 something avenue.  GULP! It really delivered on the "dive".  We pull up and the box of a building in the middle of a large parking lot is windowless and says "cocktails" in big cursive letters...We walk in and are greeted by the comfort that only carpeting can provide (but, I decided not to feel the berber between my toes and keep my shoes on).  The two free! pool tables look very inviting but I decide to first head to the bar.  "Hello ma'am! What do you have on tap?" "Bud, Bud Light, Miller Light and Coors" "Anything in a bottle?" "Yes, same selection plus Amber Bock" (I remember that my lenten promise is to not drink and decide these options do not give me a good reason to break my promise) "Coke, please!" Now that my drink has been ordered, I can take care of soaking in the rest of the place: a mirrored wall, formica bar, a dart board, whaaaat?! Karaoke night?! Is that 50 year old white lady singing "My Humps"?! This is wonderful, I never knew I liked you West Dunlap (or East Dunlap...let's just say Dunlap).  The next few hours are taken up by playing pool and watching the locals sing their favorite songs.  I owe all of this to my new friend, Jen.  Jen is a mother, a friend of Bailey's and a regular at The Dunes.  Thank you Jen for introducing me to this wonderful carpeted environment; it really reduced the echoes.

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